
Shensuo Project "The World's First Innovative Generation of Neural Catheter" was directed by Prof. Kong and won the gold medal at the 5th China Internet+ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for College Students.


The Cardiovascular Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Team was awarded the 'Model Group' award of Tianjin

First Prize of Tianjin Natural Science for "Pro-Angiogenic Effects of Bioactive Materials In The Treatment of Ischemic Diseases."


Second Prize of Tianjin Natural Science Foundation for "Research on Molecular Mechanisms Governing Hydrophobic Protein Self-assembly in Fungi and their Functions as Material Surface Modifications."

The Cardiovascular Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Team was awarded the honorary title of 'Advanced Organization' by the All-China Federation of Overseas Chinese at the 10th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and Their Families.

Second Prize of Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Award for "Construction and Application of Nanoscale Hydrogel Carriers for the Delivery of Bioactive Substances."


Second Prize of Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Award for "Basic and Applied Research of Novel Treatments of Diabetes Complicated with Cardiovascular Disease."


Second Prize of Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Award for "Construction and Application of Nano-systems for Early Tumor Diagnosis and Targeted Therapy."


First Prize of Tianjin Natural Science Foundation for "Supramolecular Hydrogel Preparation and Biomedical Applications."


Second Prize of Tianjin Natural Science Foundation for "Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering Research in Combination with Stem Cells and Gene Therapy."


Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award for "Creation of High-Performance Blood Purification Medical Adsorption Resins."


Prof. Kong was awarded The National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation Project


Second Prize of Tianjin Science and Technology Award for "Development and Research of Four Kinds of Blood Purification Adsorbents, Including Lupus-associated DNA Immunosorbents."